RADAR, the radio network and national audience measurement service of Arbitron shows the medium holding a steady saturation among the US population. The initial findings contained in the RADAR 73
Radio Usage Report show that during a typical week, radio reached 98 percent of adults 18+ who hold a professional/managerial position and who live in a household with an income of $50,000 or more.
Ninety-six percent of college grads listened to radio, while only 93 percent of people who did not go to college listened to radio over the course of a week. Radio reaches almost 226 million people a
week, 95 percent of all persons aged 12 and older. Next week, Arbitron will release the complete RADAR 73 Radio Network Audience Report results including audience estimates for the individual 31 radio
networks operated by ABC, American Urban Radio Network, Premiere and Westwood One. The release of RADAR 73 is the initial phase of the transition diary measurement for the RADAR service. The RADAR 73
report uses 12,500 diaries for the current quarter of the April 2001-March 2002 survey period.