For example, Burani says that if you
haven't gained any insights from running PPC campaigns (i.e. conversion-inducing keywords, strong traffic sources, etc.) then your ensuing SEO efforts may not be as cost-effective.
suggests a number of ways to determine the cost/benefit ratio of your SEO investment, the first of which is to estimate the value of one hour of time for each of the key people involved (including
copywriters, Webmasters, link builders, etc.) Then, determine the value of each conversion. Then, assess a few competitors on things like inbound links and keyword-rich copy, and determine how much it
would cost to have your team produce that level of content.
"Once you've accomplished this, an objective view of ROI is your reward, and you're essentially left with one of two results," Burani says. Either your efforts are cost-effective, or they're not, and you'll need to reassess the impact of certain keywords and tactics.