A proposal for new set-top box rules that would enable consumers to easily access television programs on tablets, smart TVs and other devices suffered a major blow this week. Read the whole story
Capitol Records is asking a federal appeals court to reconsider a recent decision in a long-running battle with Web company Vimeo over online music. Read the whole story
Google has released its Global State of Play report for video with data showing the seriousness of ad fraud and viewability challenges. The rates … Read the whole story
"WiFi is like a new kind of loyalty program," Honeywell Aerospace's Bill Kircos tells "Marketing Daily." "You're getting to the point where some things … Read the whole story
Revised charges may look like more talk but the European Commission clearly wants Google dealt with in one decisive blow in around ten weeks' … Read the whole story
Social media is a great way to meet people but it may not be so good at teaching you how to treat them. Read the whole story