Well, that's what I assumed would happen when I clicked on a link to enter a chance to "win dinner with President Trump at the best spot in Florida on … Read the whole story
Every federal agency in the U.S. was directed by the Department of Homeland Security to implement email authentication by January 15, but new data … Read the whole story
Consumers are more trusting of email newsletters sent from a brand or company name, according to a recent GoDaddy study, compared to messages with … Read the whole story
Most global consumers are willing to share their email addresses with brands. But the U.S. falls way behind India and Singapore, a study shows. Read the whole story
Spam artists are headed for trouble in the UK -- they have been hit with record fines. Read the whole story
An Indian email firm will merge with a company founded in-house as part of.a program for would-be entrepreneurs. Read the whole story
Gmail allows users to search images as well as text. Here's how. Read the whole story