Established brands -- especially luxury ones -- no longer shy away from ideas that could potentially cannibalize sales of new clothing. Read the whole story
The company is kicking off "I Never Expected," an ambitious 20-episode video series that Alba calls "an unconventional love letter to mamas." Read the whole story
Report from Coresight Research finds 36.8% of U.S. shoppers bought groceries online at least occasionally in 2018, up from 23.1% in the prior year. Read the whole story
"Our campaign speaks to our core audience who we call 'Urban Doers,'" Getaround's Allison Van Houten tells "Marketing Daily." Read the whole story
For one, they'll have access to first-party shopper data, providing valuable insights into what what other products may be of interest to consumers. Read the whole story
Of the millennial consumers surveyed, 74% will spend $50 in-store and 54% will spend it online, First Insight reports. Read the whole story
Free delivery is now the top driver of online ordering, MetaPack reports. Read the whole story
Brands with clean lists and few complaints are much more likely to get their emails delivered, Return Path reports. Read the whole story
The DataGrail study shows most firms think they're almost ready. But some are not even compliant with GDPR. Read the whole story
For example: "What is our winning aspiration?" Read the whole story