David Oreck has one of those avuncular, made-in-the-USA infomercial voices that exude homespun quality so convincingly it was something of a shock to read a few weeks ago that the … Read the whole story
In two online videos, created by digital marketing agency Possible, the company takes different approaches to the different targets, using humor to woo the … Read the whole story
"Recipe Rehab," created by Everyday Health Media, is the first YouTube show to become a network TV series. In each 30-minute episode, airing on … Read the whole story
In an effort to encourage Millennial men to slip into its new ComfortBlend socks, tee shirts and undies, Hanes is introducing a new video … Read the whole story
FirstBank is extending its TV advertising for the first time outside of its home state of Colorado. A shift in emphasis from "less stressful" … Read the whole story
Google wants technology to "step out of the way" as developers integrate it into everyday life. That means major changes in online advertising for … Read the whole story
As CMOs begin to outline their financial planning strategies for the upcoming fiscal year, it is imperative that they consider the evolution of digital … Read the whole story
We can improve the variety of data we collect -- without drowning in the volume. Although information density decreases as we get farther away … Read the whole story