If any TV execs are reading this, here are some TV show ideas I have come up with that I cordially ask you to please consider. Read the whole story
The CW has been added to the list of networks that have completed strong upfront deal-making. Major entertainment cable networks are also close to … Read the whole story
Media executives say CBS is up 3% in upfront dollars versus a year ago, with average pricing for prime-time nonsports programming posting low double-digit … Read the whole story
Programmatic TV spending will be more than double what it was a year ago -- but will continue to represent a tiny portion of … Read the whole story
Premiering on the Discovery Channel's Destination America network this Sunday, July 3, the new series showcases the places, people and fishing found throughout the … Read the whole story
Led Zeppelin did not steal the beginning riff of "Stairway to Heaven," a jury says -- but copycat media will continue to go on. … Read the whole story
RIO DE JANEIRO -- This is what it is all about. This is why we need to find answers. In a nation beset with … Read the whole story
...and altogether, our media time is up a full hour. Adding up all the devices and communications forms, our per day time spent with … Read the whole story
Search marketers -- especially those focusing on local campaigns -- increasingly talk about the success they see connecting television to search advertising. Here's another … Read the whole story
A federal appellate court has revived a lawsuit accusing the company of violating New Jersey privacy standards by allowing Google to set tracking cookies … Read the whole story
Both the Trump and Clinton camps have released ads exemplifying tactics each will use as we approach the general election in November. Read the whole story