Producing a companion show to "Game of Thrones," possibly HBO's biggest hit, is a no-brainer. Read the whole story
Streaming viewing in July surpassed cable and broadcast in share of total day viewing for the first time since the launch of Nielsen's "The … Read the whole story
Many subscribers sign on with premium streaming services to watch only one TV show, according to Samba TV's Q2 report on streaming and TV. Read the whole story
Less content won't be the only differentiator, as Netflix seeks to encourage conversions to its standard, no-ads service. Read the whole story
Google on Thursday introduced CTV features in Display & Video 360, with features including audience guarantees based on Nielsen Digital Ad Ratings and expanded … Read the whole story
Midterm political advertising looks to easily outpace 2018 midterm revenue this year -- up to $9.7 billion, according to an AdImpact estimate. But it … Read the whole story