The show might be the first prime-time network series, animated or otherwise, in which the dialogue is entirely accented in Philly-speak. Read the whole story
Last year Disney struck a deal with Charter's Spectrum service allowing the pay TV company to sell streaming platforms Disney+ and ESPN+ alongside its … Read the whole story
YouTube posted a 10.4% share for July, while Disney came in at 9.9% for the month, with NBCU close behind at 9.5%. Read the whole story
The invalid traffic rate for CTV was nearly as high as for mobile apps, a study found. Read the whole story
Brian Wieser now projects 2024 will grow 7.2% over 2023, excluding political ad spending (or 10.5%, if included). Read the whole story
Horizon Media's location-based media stunt welcomes Ryan Seacrest as the new host of "Wheel of Fortune" beginning September 9. Read the whole story
The spot combines archival interviews, film footage and classic comic book pages. Read the whole story
Apple TV is far down in second place at 13.3%, followed by Amazon Fire TV, Samsung, LG, Xiaomi and Vizio. Apple TV and LG … Read the whole story
Are movie titles pulling the movie theater business up by its bootstraps? Read the whole story
How brands can remain afloat without sinking ad spend this election season. Read the whole story