What worked? How did it work? What did we learn?
The MediaPost Cases focus these three key questions on some of the best examples of successful marketing across channels and segment. These cases explore how brands defined their marketing challenge, conceived, executed and course corrected their solution, and measured results.
Drawing from MediaPost’s live events, awards programs and reporting, MediaPost Cases cut across all of the channels and industry segments we cover. Whether you are looking for what the auto sector is doing in ecommerce or how DTC brands make digital video accountable or other fresh insights, you will find lessons and inspiration from this library of more than 250 cases.
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Seeing the plastic pollution crisis as an opportunity to solve a global environmental problem through contemporary and creative product development, GOT BAG created the world's first backpack made of 100% recycled ocean plastic. A story that can be told easily online, but a difficult challenge in the retail environment. GOT BAG head of NA, Matthias Paisdzior, shares how the brand creatively leveraged POP materials to successfully inform and engage consumers in-store.

When Less is More: Building a Successful Advertising Business from a Subscription-First Model
In 2020, The New York Times added a record 2.3 million digital-only subscriptions, bringing its subscriptions to digital products and print newspaper to more than 7.5 million. By focusing on improving the reader experience, the Times has built stronger relationships with its subscribers and knows what type of information and storytelling resonates with their influential audience. Hear how The Times is focusing on fewer higher quality ads and using its first-party data to offer targeting, based on emotional states and reader motivations, to provide more powerful ad experiences.