With the expected introduction today of Amazon's low-priced color tablet, rumored to be named "Amazon Fire," there will be a lot of focus on the hardware, price points, apps, and … Read the whole story
Internet ad revenue rose 24.1% to $7.7 billion in Q2 2011, contributing to the 23% uptick to $14.9 billion in the first half of … Read the whole story
YouTube will launch Google AdWords for video in beta on Wednesday. The tool aims to simplify online video ad campaigns and allow advertisers to … Read the whole story
What's in the future for the video sector? I don't have a crystal ball, but as CEO of a company that's pioneered online editorial … Read the whole story
We've long heard about the sizable gap -- currently estimated at $60 billion -- between what marketers spend on brand advertising on the Web, … Read the whole story
Amazon.com officially entered the tablet race Wednesday with the long-awaited launch of its answer to Apple's dominant iPad-the Kindle Fire. The device will retail … Read the whole story
TidalTV, an online video advertising network, is now working with Roku, an Internet TV platform, to offer over-the-top video advertising. Read the whole story
Here's the problem for agency creative competing in the new media technology space - especially one where user-generated content can compete with the best … Read the whole story
Despite the abysmal trends in the homevideo marketplace (sales have fallen about $1 billion a year to $10 billion this year), the marketing team … Read the whole story
True Blood's "Dig Deeper" campaign (courtesy BBDO) to promote DVD and Blu-ray sales for season 3 centered on a 30-second interactive spot where both … Read the whole story