Awesomeness TV and Kohl's Team Up On A New Teen Clothing Line

Collaborating with Kohl’s Department Stores, the DreamWorks-owned Awesomeness YouTube channel will launch a show and a fashion line aimed at the junior girls clothing market.

That’s a tall order for a media outlet many have never heard of, but which has an avid following with teens.  

“Life’s So R.a.d.,” slated for four “seasons” on YouTube, will feature clothing from a fashion line, S.o. R.a.d that will launch in Kohl’s stores Sept 22.

The Awesomness series will debut shortly before that, on Sept. 19. It stars Amanda Steele, a 15-year old who made her YouTube debut in the fifth grade, and Lia Marie Johnson, 17-year old YouTube personality with 13 million followers. (In the preview video for the series, the early consensus from her knowing fans was that she was wearing far more makeup than usual, and she just doesn’t need to.)



Brian Robbins, Awesomness CEO, said in a press release that the channel actually developed the brand, and then “found the perfect partner” in Kohl’s. The department store fights hard for back-to-school dollars with other retailers including J.C. Penney and Gap.  

 Episodes will engage viewers in “authentic social conversation,” according to the release, using Instagram and Twitter. Steele and Johnson will be featured “in an imaginative depiction of their involvement” with the fashion line.

Clothes in the S.o. R.a.d. line will range in price from $30-$48, and be influenced by “urban edge, Tokyo pop and pretty princess” styles.

Each style season of the year will feature a different pair of influencers and storylines.

The AwesomenessTV channel on YouTube has over 1.7 million subscribers and 400 million views. The full suite of Awesomeness channels has over 52 million subscribers.  

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