
JC Penney Touts Value And Variety In BTS Push

To differentiate itself from the crowd of retailers chasing down frazzled parents, JC Penney is introducing an ad campaign focusing on ways to save time and money.

The new campaign continues its commitment to using real people in ads, including an energetic swarm of fifth graders and an up-and-coming high school band, both set to the ever-catchy "We Are Family."

"We're tackling new ways to be authentically fun and festive about the back-to-school season," says Bill Cunningham, vice president of marketing strategy for the retailer. "It's a continuation of a strategy that we've employed for almost a year, bringing our customers into the ad campaign – casting real families, real people, real students. Our intent is to help people see themselves in JCPenney in a positive, celebratory way."



JC Penney created the campaign with its in-house team, with Peggy Sirota directing the videos.

But while there's always a joyful side to back-to-school shopping, Cunningham says the company is quite aware that this year, parents aren’t exactly walking on sunshine.

"We're looking at the same economic indicators everybody else is," he tells Marketing Daily, "And we know parents will be making some tough choices when they start shopping."
That's especially true for the middle and lower-income shoppers who are likely Penney shoppers. "We believe that puts JCPenney in a great destination space. Customers can save while still being able to fulfill their checklist."

And while many retailers sell clothes in the Penney price range, including Target, Kohl's and Macy's, "we're often not considered for some of the ancillary things parents need, like our optical department and hair salon."

The retailer's extensive home department also offers plenty for college kids heading back to the dorms, especially given Bed Bath & Beyond's recent exit.

"This campaign is bringing our total portfolio together," Cunningham adds.

Price is always important and part of the retailer's appeal. But ads also highlight clothes that mix and match well. "What we've got helps people extend looks further, so they get more out of what they purchased. And with private label and national brands, we can fulfill those needs on a budget."

Another value component is readiness, knowing that early shopping is one of parents' most battle-tested money-saving tactics. "We leaned into that," he says. That includes airing ads earlier, and a major promotional event scheduled for July 22.

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