Ensequence, Visible World Use Single Platform To Target Viewers

Interactive TV programmer Ensequence and addressable advertising company Visible World have struck an agreement in which the two companies can use a single technical platform to target specific audiences.

Using the industry standard ETV/EBIF, advertising or programming content can now be sent through Ensequence's interactive TV platform and through Visible World's intelliSpot addressable advertising network system.

The two companies say this is the first integrated standards-based platform for targeting and measuring viewers for interactive television. "We're also making it possible for advertisers to measure viewer engagement and maximize their return on investment," said Peter Low, president/COO of Ensequence, in a release.

Ensequence partners with TV programmers, advertisers and distributors to create interactive television that can be delivered across cable and satellite television, broadbrand, mobile devices and Blu-ray discs. Clients include MTV Networks, NBC Universal, ESPN, The Walt Disney Company, and Major League Baseball.

Visble World campaigns for TV advertisers can--in real time--send different advertising in particular programs to different audiences. The company has worked with over 150 national advertisers reaching consumers in in 100 million U.S. television households and across more than 1,500 major Web sites.



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