• How Does Email Work As A Performance-Based Advertising Channel?
    Email marketing has always focused on performance. Early on, marketers began tracking and improving performance in terms of opens, clicks, and -- ultimately -- ROI. In many ways, standalone email advertising remained a different story. Still, this medium has great potential to fit in with the performance-based media buys many agencies and brands prefer.
  • Data, Data Everywhere -- But Where's the Marketing Performance?
    The explosion in digital and emerging media channels has brought a huge volume of rich, but complex, data sources. With big data comes the promise of better decision-making information and measurement of marketing performance. A recent study by the Columbia Business School and NYAMA found that 91% of senior corporate marketers believe that successful brands use customer data to drive marketing decisions, improve marketing performance and increase customer acquisition.
  • Five Ways The Ghostbusters Can Improve Your Online Marketing
    "Ghostbusters" is one of my all-time favorite movies. It has everything: ghosts, a giant marshmallow man and a song from Ray Parker Jr. that sounds suspiciously like a Huey Lewis song. The film was certainly ahead of its time, but not just in terms of combining special effects and comedy. If you look a little closer, you can see that Peter, Ray, Egon and Winston also gave examples on how to improve your online marketing performance. That's pretty impressive, considering the movie came out in 1984! Let's take a look at the five ways the Ghostbusters can help improve your …
  • Optimize Your Company LinkedIn Page: Tips For Bringing In Leads
    It's no secret that LinkedIn company pages are an excellent social channel for B2B marketers -- especially if you take certain steps to ensure you're optimizing your company's page to its full potential. As of February, there were more than 150 million active LinkedIn users, more than 2 million LinkedIn company pages, and more than 1 million LinkedIn groups. Professionals actively research and discuss their respective industries on LinkedIn, making it a terrific outlet to introduce your brand to prospective customers while keeping current ones updated and educated. So how do you get an edge on your competitors? It starts …
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