
Inerpublic's Quentin George: We're In L.A., Not Anaheim

That’s what Interpublic’s chief digital officer, Quentin George reminded us of in his opening keynote this morning at OMMA Ad Nets.

To prove it, he said that we’ve shifted from the “promise” of addressable advertising, a vision in which Madison Avenue would deliver the “right information to the right consumer at the right time with no waste,” and showed a picture of the Magic Kingdom.

Then he quickly cut to an image of a post-Disneyesque Snow White and Prince Charming in a less than domestic utopia (Snow White was toting some toddlers, while Charming was sacked out in front of the TV).

In other words, addressable advertising is no Fantasy Land. “We think that future looks decidedly fuzzy,” George said, adding that we need to start making changes to get there one day. Interpublic's digital Prince Charming

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