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Branded Media 2010: Q&A with Sir Martin Sorrell

As Chairman-CEO of WPP Group, Sir Martin Sorrell is one of the world's most powerful ad men. He is known for his oracular predictions about the future of media. Sparksheet, a WPP company, conducted a Q&A with him about branded content, Rupert Murdoch's battles with Google, and marketing to the consumer in transit.

Says Sorrell: "Because the current models -- the new media models and certainly the old media models -- are under a lot of pressure. Craigslist has destroyed classified advertising for "old media" and there are very few new media companies that make any money. Google is an exception. Their new CFO is doing a lot of good and Google is a much more intimidating company than it was even six months ago, if that's possible, with a market cap well in excess of Berkshire Hathaway's."



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