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Facebook Adds "Unlike" Button -- Cue Drama

This could get nasty. To accompany its new "like" button, Facebook is now allowing users to "unlike" their favorite Facebook Pages through embedded fan box widgets. "While many users have actually requested that Facebook add a full functioning 'Dislike' feature to express negative sentiment, this feature is simply an easier way to not be a fan of existing Facebook Pages that you like," All Facebook reports. "Why Facebook would add the unlike button is unknown but many Facebook Page owners have been complaining to us about the feature this morning." Of course they are.

Why would publishers, of any shape or size, want readers to have the ability to instantly express their discontent? Adds All Facebook: "Making it difficult to 'Unlike' a Facebook Page was great for Page owners who wanted to rapidly increase the number of fans they had." Now, publish a story that doesn't support a reader's particular views? Unlike. Run an ad that doesn't sit well with a reader. Unlike. Overuse a word like, say, "bilateral." Unlike!

Read the whole story at All Facebook »

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