1/3 are influencers

More data confirming my suspicion that about one-third of social media users are actively making recommendations (about brands, life, and everything) while the other two-thirds form a mostly passive audience for these recommendations. The latest findings come courtesy of Joshua Grossnickle, VP, Consumer Insights and Analytics, BabyCenter, who presented the site's analysis and breakdown of women who use social media. Grossnickle breaks the 33% of influencers down into three subsets -- lifecasters, field experts, and pros -- of roughly equal size. Among many other characteristics outlined by Grossnickle, lifecasters are less serious about the whole thing, not necessarily out there to give advice but influential nonetheless; field experts compose exhaustive lists and issue prolific advice focused on specific missions; and pros take the influencing mission to the next stage by considering it a profession/something they can do to make a living.
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