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Data: Twitter Flourishing On Facebook

How many uses does Twitter's Facebook app have? Nearly 7 million, according to newly revised data from Inside Network's AppData measurement service. "And the app still appears to be growing pretty fast," notes TechCrunch. "This information is interesting because it shows just how big an app made by Facebook rival Twitter is on Facebook itself." Its 6.7 million monthly active users makes it the 40th most popular app on Facebook, according to AppData's numbers.

TechCrunch also suggests that Facebook founder/CEO Mark Zuckerberg might find the data interesting, particularly since he's telling anyone who'll listen at Cannes how "simple" a service Twitter is. The Twitter app still trails far behind the likes of Zynga's FarmVille, with its 63.9 million monthly active users, and Texas HoldEm Poker, with its 28.5 million monthly active users. Also of note, Android's Facebook app now has 4.7 million monthly active users.

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