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Report: Android Gaining On iPhone

Apple's rumored partnership with Verizon Wireless could be coming just in the nick of time. As of May, 7 of the top 10 smartphones were running Google's Android mobile operating system -- including the Motorola Droid, HTC Magic and HTC Hero -- according to a new report from mobile analytics and tracking firm, AdMob. "The introduction of numerous Android-based phones has allowed the mobile OS's market share to increase dramatically over the past year," notes ReadWriteWeb. Indeed, one graph in AdMob's report shows a sharp increase in Android's market share while Apple's iOS market share drops.

In February, Apple appears to have a 50% share, but by May, it's down to 40% worldwide. Illustrating the continued rise of the smartphone, the devices generated 46% of traffic in the AdMob network -- up from 22% two years ago. Google recently finalized its acquisition of AdMob, but, according to the firm, the majority of the data in this latest report pre-dates the actual acquisition.

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