The Washington Post is getting into crowd-sourced reporting through a partnership with, beginning with the upcoming Rally to Restore Sanity staged by comedy news anchormen Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert.
The site, which allows users to post dynamic reports including text, photos and video, said certain select user contributions from the Rally will appear in a live, monitored feed on The Washington Post Web site.
Intersect organizes content by defining events as intersections of time and place, allowing stories to be browsed chronologically or geographically. To qualify for inclusion in WaPo, users have to choose the correct time and location -- Saturday at the National Mall in Washington, D.C. -- when filing their stories. The Washington Post will then draw on content contributed by users, as well as its own Story Lab team, which will also be filing stories on Intersect.
Although Intersect is still in beta, new users can create accounts with the invitation code washingtonpost and post reports during or after the rally. (Or before, if they're writing about their rally preparations or travel plans.) Stories from the rally will appear in the monitored feed until 7 p.m. EST Monday.
The criteria for deciding whether to include Intersect stories in the WaPo live feed are the same standards governing other user contributions, including the usual blocks on obscene, racist, libelous, or otherwise offensive content. Users must be at least 13 years old and relinquish all rights to the material they submit.