I'd apologize for the lame titles, but I'd like to think that you've grown accustomed to them. Or accustomed to overlooking them.
I finally received my LunaTik watch strap!
You might recall that I ordered the item way before Christmas via Kickstarter. I had to wait for that project to close, and then MNML had to work out all of the production logistics. I was told I'd receive the strap by mid-January. Here it is the end of February. It was a month late, which should be inexcusable. In fact, if this were Apple, I'd probably have done the "let me speak to your supervisor" shuffle in that time.
But it's not Apple.
It's a new product from a company I'd never heard of. Did they do anything more than apologize? No. Should they have? Eh, I'm not sure. If it were my business, I'd have thrown in a little, "free shipping on your next purchase" kind of thing. (And then I wouldn't use it...but that's not the point.)
In other news, I was amazed this weekend at the wonders of technology. I was at an out-of-state conference, walking around the vendor booths, when I was approached by a corporate representative. "Are you seeking an internship?" she said. "No," I replied, "but if you'd like to offer me a full-time position I'd be happy to accept." We talked about her company and my degrees and whether or not there was a good fit. She asked me if I had a hard copy of my resume to give her.
Who still caries hard copies of...anything?
I told her that my laptop was at the hotel and that I'd send her a copy later in the evening. Was that good enough for me? Nope. Someone told me once that you should always promise the minimum but perform the maximum. I'm not sure I agree with that 100% of the time...but in this case, it works. I wanted to send her my resume immediately, but I couldn't leave the conference.
So I texted my roommate, asked her to access my resume on the MobileMe server, change a couple of words in my professional objective, and then email it to me as a PDF. Within an hour, my resume was in the lady's email inbox. I was then able to follow up with her so that she could recognize my dedication, name her first-born child after me, etc, blah blah.
Well, my friends, it worked.
She passed my resume on to the right people and I was contacted yesterday by someone in their hiring department. Not sure it's my life's work...but maybe I shouldn't be looking for that at 25. We'll see how it all goes and I'll probably keep you updated.
That said, if you or someone you know is seeking passionate, tech-savvy, organizational communication grads....You know where to find me!