"While Satellite TV was growing by 27 percent, Cable TV was growing by 13 percent, but Satellite was building on a subscriber base of 11,632,000 while Cable was building on a subscriber base of 84,762,000," says Bob Jordan, co-chairman of International Demographics, Inc.
From 2000 to 2002 Satellite TV increased its aggregate penetration in the 85 markets measured by The Media Audit from 9.3 percent to 11.3 percent while Cable TV increased its market penetration from 67.7 percent to 73.1 percent.
Jordan says that advertisers on Cable and/or Satellite must be aware of market penetration at the local market level. Satellite market penetration extends from 20 percent of households in some markets to less than 5 percent in others. Of the six markets with the lowest satellite penetration rates, four are in New England. They are New Haven, Hartford, Boston and Providence-Warwick-Pawtucket.
"It's very possible that the final market positions achieved by the two industries might be determined by broadband computer access which is provided by the Cable companies," says Jordan. "... if Internet access via Satellite becomes universally available that may impact the marketing success of Satellite TV."
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