
TV Guiding

It's not really a mobile conversation per se, but the Agency Workshop panel at OMMA Global made some interesting observations about the ways digital media – social, Web and mobile – are augmenting the way people watch TV.

Yahoo Mobile Sales Strategy chief Paul Cushman noted that Yahoo just acquired a new company called IntoNow, which he described as, "Shazam meets FourSquare for your TV."

He said it basically "augments" your TV experience "based on your check-in."

"It's phenomenally cool," he gushed. Cushman said Yahoo made the acquisition because it was looking at how its traffic spiked when people were surfing Yahoo and watching TV at the same time.

"We need a there there," he said.

Panel moderator, Sandy Martin, mobile director at Schurz Communications, acknowledged how social media now influences are TV viewing patterns.

"That's how I've been reminded that my favorite show was on, because it came up on my Facebook feed. And I watched it," she said.



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