
New Metrics For New Media, In A Hurry

From the looks of things, the media industry is fairly accepting of the immeasurable.

Take CNN. The news company just announced that it's putting its entire TV lineup on the Web and on mobile devices -- even though Nielsen, the third-party measurement vendor CNN (and a good chunk of the rest of the industry) uses to track viewers, doesn't measure mobile inventory. For now, CNN bets that "the promise of a very large audience" will attract mobile ad dollars -- and the measurement tools will follow.

Similar thinking comes from the agencies. Razorfish's Mobile Practice Lead, Paul Gelb, has predicted that mobile ad budgets will overtake TV spend within just a few years -- even if the industry is still working out details on mobile measurement. Given the astronomical growth rates of mobile ad spend, it looks like Gelb is on to something: measurement difficulties haven't kept mobile from growing very fast. As Jason Young, founder of mobile ad network Smart Device Media (and former CEO of Ziff Davis Media) once put it: "I've met a ton of marketers who are waiting for mobile analytics to get where it should be -- but that isn't stopping them from putting serious spend behind mobile ads."

Making peace with a lack of numbers goes beyond mobile. TV executives are jumping into Twitter without Twitter's direct impact on ratings points. Facebook is the new leader in digital ad display spend -- even though we still haven't pinned down the funnel form social media spend to sales. At every corner of the newest media, advertisers and networks are launching into new channels first, waiting for the results-oriented analytics to be fully baked later.

Does this mean we're turning a collective blind eye on measurement gaps? Not in the least. What it means is that the industry understands the tremendous value, and the sheer size, of new media audiences. It also understands, as Digitas CEO Laura Lang said so well, that "when these new channels emerge, it takes a while for the metrics to catch up." Given the massive opportunity cost of staying on the sidelines, the only real option is to dive into the new media and work through the metrics problems in tandem.

What all of this means is that the new reality we're facing is one in which we continually need to craft new analytics models, quickly, for channels we've never seen. There are a lot of incredibly smart people thinking through the issue (including the people I've quoted above); at the risk of speaking out of turn, I'll offer my own thoughts to the chorus on how that's done:

1) Look for parallels to existing models Back when I was CEO of a search marketing firm, some of our top analytics talent came with a very strong direct mail background. They adapted quickly from traditional media analytics into digital because they understood how much of what's new is really old -- it's just a matter of finding the parallels.

2) Look for hidden sources of untapped data When you can't understand the full picture through front-end data, look for data on the back end. You'd be stunned how much leverage MediaBank's clients get by intelligently mining their spend information.

3) Lead a creative organization There's a reason Google offers 20% time and 3M created its predecessor, 15% time. Giving employees free rein to think as widely outside of the box as possible fosters the creativity the company needs to evolve quickly in a changing world.

It will be amazing when we can all build out perfect measurement on every new model within just a few months. But until that happens, I think my suggestions ring true. Folks with more ideas can comment below.

Or share your thoughts with tweets. I'll be counting up the @billwise mentions -- even if I can't tie them back to sales just yet.

4 comments about "New Metrics For New Media, In A Hurry ".
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  1. Elaine Starling from Starling Media Services, Inc., July 26, 2011 at 3:57 p.m.

    The common denominator is the Rewarding Experience for the end user. The more rewarding it is, the more results you get. Paco Underhill notes in "Why We Buy" that you increase sales conversions by 50% when a shopper has a conversation with a salesperson. Why? It increases the value of the experience for the shopper - they get questions answered, validation of the purchase idea, etc.

    We need to start measuring what really matters from the consumer perspective and we'll have consistent measurements across all media.

  2. Kevin Horne from Verizon, July 26, 2011 at 4:24 p.m.

    Not to take away from your main point, but are going to quote RAZF's/Gelb's claim that mobile will outpace TV ad spend, currently trailing by about $130 BILLION? Really?

    See the third entry in this post for some interesting "metrics" about his fantastical statement:

  3. Bill Wise from Mediaocean, July 26, 2011 at 8:38 p.m.

    Kevin- I really didn't want to use the "mobile will outpace TV spend" quote, but it's so radical I couldn't help myself. It's not the point of the article but adds an audacious spin to it... I also remember when Henry Blodget, then a wall street analyst, said amazon's stock would hit $400/ share when it was trading at 1/10th that. Amazingly, it did soar through 400. Blodget was later banned from wall street, but thats a whole other story...

  4. Gregory J. Amani Smith from The Amani Smith Media Group, July 28, 2011 at 1:20 p.m.

    I do believe that businesses need to invest in marketing in the mobile and social media space. What gets under my skin is the "experts" making assertions based on shaky assumptions of audience size and engagement. I believe responsible analytic teams point out the caveats, then work to solve the problem of such caveats. The point about traditional media analyst models transferring to new digital models is an excellent point. I always say once an analytical mind, always an analytical mind. Great article.

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