
Google's Weinberg Talks ROI

Aitan Weinberg, senior product manager at Google holds forth at the Google workshop on the human factor, "Common Sense Ways to Foster Brand Management" at OMMA Global.

Five ways to maximize marketing on Google: First, remarketing complements search. "Don't let them leave your store to do comparison shopping"; use demographics to tailor every creative. "Every creative can be tailored based on demographics. One did this and saw 280% life in click through."; Leverage audience insight reports. you can compare demographics of people who visit different sites. thus you can tailor creative, bid higher or lower based on performance or move up funnel; collection of campaigns for a blended CPA. "you have different campaigns, look at them in batch, and if you are roi positive keep throwing more things into mix. as long as volume is growing more than cpa is positive you are winning."

Last, understand share of user. determine levers to reach everyone. Many advertisers are only reaching 5% to 10% of available users. The more you can get audience insights about size of audience you can see big success. "We have seen advertisers get 3x growth."

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