Articles by Karl All articles by Karl
- MediaPost Announces Its Marketing Automotive Awards in
Marketing: Automotive on
The MediaPost Marketing Automotive Awards honor agencies and advertisers who are excelling in today's myriad forms of communication and rewriting the handbook on automotive marketing. Last year was a fantastic year for the auto market, with shoppers buying an astonishing 17.47 million cars, trucks and crossovers. It was also a banner year for automotive marketing, with some powerful, moving, and sometimes hilarious advertisements, integrated campaigns, and smart social digital and social media strategies. MediaPost and a panel of industry observers, experts and marketers have done the arduous work of finding the best of the bunch. You get to enjoy the results: MediaPost's Marketing Automotive Awards. We congratulate our honorees.
- Cadillac Says 'Don't You Dare' In New Campaign in
Marketing Daily on
Cadillac says it will have a total of five-and-a-half minutes of airtime, before and during the awards show, including four minutes during the show. There will be a total of six spots, all directed by an Oscar winner, Janusz Kaminski.
- Study Sees Digital Divide For CPG In APAC in
Marketing Daily on
A new report from the firm sees Asia-Pacific consumer markets topping $10 trillion by 2018, with a quarter of that activity happening through digital commerce. But CPG, especially grocery, isn't enjoying enough of that volume.
- High Times For Colorado Pot Tourists, But Can They Handle It? in
Around the Net In Brand Marketing on
Marijuana legalization has spawned a tourism industry that guarantees real buzz: Pot without penalty is bringing in marijuana enthusiasts from other states. Nearly half of visitors polled in surveys commissioned by the Colorado Tourism Office said legal access to weed influenced their decision to travel to the state, the "Denver Post" reports. ER visits by pot consumers have doubled, as well. But that may be because stagger-in patients are free to disclose that they got high.
- Virgin Galactic Is Beautiful, But Is It Safe Enough? in
Around the Net In Brand Marketing on
Virgin Galactic's new SpaceShipTwo, unveiled this week, is the first real (near) space program for paying tourists. But casting a shadow is the devastating Virgin Galactic test flight accident last year that took the life of Virgin Galactic co-pilot Michael Alsbury. No doubt VG will have learned from the tragedy, and the new space plane will be the better for it, but how will the company sustain that level of safety? Don't count on federal regulations. The responsibility is with the engineers.
- Be Brave In The Attempt: Special Olympics Grand Sports Marketer Of The Year in
Around the Net In Brand Marketing on
The Special Olympics World Games Los Angeles successfully hosted from July 25 to Aug. 2, 2015, some 7,000 athletes and 3,000 coaches representing 177 countries, 30,000 volunteers and an estimated 500,000 spectators. Organizers called it the "single biggest event in Los Angeles since the 1984 Olympic Games." Partners included AEG, Bank of America, Coca-Cola, ESPN, Mattel, Microsoft, the NFL, P&G, Toyota, Toys R Us, Kate Capshaw & Steven Spielberg, Walt Disney Co. and WWE. For these and other reasons, Special Olympics has been named as the Grand Sports Marketer of the Year based on votes cast among the more than 50,000 readers of NYSportsJournalism.
- Whole Foods Goes Truckin' In Austin in
Around the Net In Brand Marketing on
Whole Foods Market wants to experiment with new culinary concepts and evaluate collaborations with chefs and supplier partners. That screams "food truck." The company will do just that: a food truck test kitchen at its flagship store in Austin, Texas. Developed by the retailer's recently hired VP of culinary and hospitality, Tien Ho, the initial concept will launch March 10 as Tartinette, which will serve open-faced sandwiches and salads from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. Whole Foods said it plans to change the concept, menu and name of the truck every two months.
- New York City Salt Law A Setback For Chains in
Around the Net In Brand Marketing on
The National Restaurant Association is castigating the New York State Supreme Court's decision to uphold a New York City regulation requiring restaurant chains to label menu items containing more than the recommended daily allowance for salt. "Yesterday's decision was a setback for the men and women that own and operate New York's chain restaurants," wrote Christin Fernandez, NRA director for media relations and public affairs, in an email. "The association advocated for a federal menu labeling standard so consumers could have access to uniform nutritional information whether they're dining out in Portland, Maine, or Portland, Ore."
- Vans' Excellent Adventure With Josh And Dan in
Marketing Daily on
"Damn, Daniel." Yes, I said it. If you saw the Vines, or the coverage of this, you know that I am doing exactly what I'm supposed to do: driving virality!
- Chevrolet Says 'Love' With Facebook Reaction in
Marketing Daily on
The effort is paired with another unusual Chevy campaign involving a long-form in-cinema ad touting Chevrolet smart technology that is meant to look like the trailer for a horror movie, and was, in fact, shot by genre auteur Sam Raimi.
Comments by Karl All comments by Karl
- Stop The Car, I'm Getting Out
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing: Automotive on
thanks Leanne. I appreciate knowing someone out there is following.
- Stop The Car, I'm Getting Out
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing: Automotive on
Thanks! I'll probaby still be involved in the business from the tech end.
- The Joy Of Stupid
Bob Garfield
(Garfield at Large on
Life without coffee is no life at all - Joseph Conrad. Or maybe it was iggy pop, but whatever
- Star-Spangled Speaking: Sarah Palin, Unplugged
(Mad Blog on
for poesy alone can tell her dreams, with the fine spell of words, alone can save imagination from the sable charm and dumnb enchantement.
- Spoiled Little Boy-cott
Bob Garfield
(Garfield at Large on
cuz if we don't legalize heroin the only ones using it will be criminals.
- Toyota Drives Tacoma To Hispanic Market
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing Daily on
yes, that's a good point. I need to rewatch
- The Farther Up The Ladder, The Farther Behind The Eight Ball For Marketers
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing Daily on
John, thanks for the comment. remember that movie from the sixties, (you probably don't, which is ironic in this context) "Wild in the Streets"? it was a dystopian look at youth obsession, in which youth is seen as the sole repository not only of beauty, but wisdom. The president is a teenager, but his advisors are even younger, as I recall. There is a little of that going on. But age should be irrelevent to the discussion, in any case. It's about the kind of wisdom that is worth a fortune if you can find it. And, honeslty, that brings me to another (off) topic discussion: we under-value, in higher education, the kinds of academic disciplines that encourage intellectual synthesis (dare I say the "h" word? hu...hu...hu...manities.) We encourage prospective students, rather, to go into analytical studies and scoff at pretty much anything else, relegating these other scholarship journeys to 'hobby' academics, like the totemic basket weaving major. Marketing is ultimately the study of human behavior, and really that doesn't change all that much, and does not adhere to Moore's law, needless to say.
- Listen To The Lady
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing: Automotive on
You know, I had a brand I won't mention, on borrow a couple of years ago. This his hilraious: I ws trying to get to newark airport, by itslef a near impossible task. Teh thing told me to take a left....off a bridge
- Volvo Is Global, But How Swedish Is It?
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing: Automotive on
Hah. if that were discovered to be the case...I shouldn't be too surprise.
- New Film, 'A Faster Horse,' Takes You Where Few Get To Go
Karl Greenberg
(Marketing: Automotive on
Good point. At this point they are just doing the festival circuit. The next step for them is to get a distributor, which is what these festivals are all about. As soon as they do, I will put that note out there on my internets

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