CIMM is taking a pro-active role in advancing new media nomenclature and processes with both its Lexicon(terms and definitions associated with Set-Top Box data measurement) and Asset Identification Primer (glossary of asset terms). These documents form the basis of the Word-A-Week column which offers a common language for Set-Top Box nomenclature that can expedite the rollout of the data for its many industry applications.
It is not just the buying and selling of time and eyeballs that makes a marketplace. Metrics must be used to measure the quality and quantity of the audiences. For the last two weeks we provided some of the terms that were common to both the current ad sales marketplace and to the STB and Addressable Advertising arena. (Set-Top-Box Lexicon: Common Commercial Terms) This column explores some of the common audience measurement terms that can be used by all these platforms focusing on "Averages" and "Proportions":
Average Audience Rating
See also: Rating
CIMM DEFINITION : The amount of viewing (expressed as a percent) on average, to a program, network, channel, ad, version or time period out of the universe or full population. Can be parsed to the lowest viewing increment whether second, 5 second, minute etc.
2 : One of several different kinds of ratings used by Nielsen media research company. It reflects the average size of the audience on a minute-by-minute basis (average size at minute 1, minute 2, minute 3, and so on) throughout the length of a program. (Source:
NOTE - Weighting on averages: averages can be time-weighted or taken as a simple mean. (Source: TiVo)
Average Audience (in thousands)
See also: Rating
CIMM DEFINITION : The amount of viewing (expressed in thousands) on average, to a program, network, channel, ad, version or time period out of the universe or full population. Can be parsed to the lowest viewing increment whether second, 5 second, minute etc.
2 : The average minute or second audience watching a channel, program or spot. (Source: Kantar Media Audiences)
NOTE - What is the accepted universe for certain viewer segments when Set-Top Box data is delivered by individual operators with specific regional footprints?
Average Program Audience
See also: Rating
CIMM DEFINITION : The average delivery (expressed in thousands) of Set-Top Boxes or households out of the sample, footprint, census or universe that is attributed to a video, program, time period or daypart.
2 : The average number of units or households attributed to a program. (Source: Kantar Media Audiences)
VPVH abbr Viewers Per Thousand Viewing Households
See also: Proportion of Individuals Viewing
CIMM DEFINITION : The proportion that a specific audience watches of a channel, network, time period or any video content out of an average thousand homes.
2 : Proportion of individuals viewing within homes where the set is turned on. (Source: Kantar Media Audiences)
Please refer to the CIMM Lexicon online at for additional information on these and other terms.