
Return-Path-Data Lexicon: Viewing in the Buffer

CIMM is taking a proactive role in advancing new media nomenclature and processes with both its Lexicon(terms and definitions associated with return-path-data measurement) and Asset Identification Primer (glossary of asset terms). These documents form the basis of this column, which offers a common language for RPD nomenclature that can expedite the rollout of the data for its many industry applications.

With the advent of trick play capabilities, (Return-Path-Data Lexicon: Trick Play) viewers can avail themselves of a variety of time-delayed viewing opportunities. Past columns on live and time-shifted viewing focused on the two best known forms of video content consumption. Today we explore a third type of viewing behavior that is made possible because of the DVR: “Viewing in the Buffer.”



Each type of viewing technique – live, playback or in the buffer – can be measured via return-path data, but buffer viewing presents its own unique measurement challenges, as you will see below:

Viewing in the Buffer

See also: Buffer

CIMM DEFINITION : Viewing a form of playback without setting the recording through the DVR. Tuning into a program and letting it run and then rewinding back to the beginning without actually recording the content via the DVR. Playback can be fully linear (Live) or used to skip commercials.

NOTE - Is the viewer skipping ads or not skipping ads? Measurement - If viewing asset in the buffer it usually counts as live viewing. Live is viewing within 30 minutes of linear viewing. Viewing in the buffer often includes viewing of commercials whereas in true time-shifted viewing, the number of ads viewed is much less. (Source: Dish Network)

Please refer to the CIMM Lexicon online at for additional information on these and other terms.

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