
Custom Analytics May Be Getting A Little Too Custom (How About Some Standards?)

Eric Berkowitz, head of product innovation at Tracx, told Social Media Insider Summit attendees that he believes the trend in social media analytics is “moving away from dashboards and platforms and [people] just wanting to look at data.”
Speaking on the custom analytics panel, Berkowitz said the big push is integrating the data “into their everyday business processes” so that the date doesn’t need to be analyzed, per se, but just informs a process or system people use in their course of business.
One of the big issues the panel addressed was what the underlying metric is that people are analyzing, especially subjective terminology like “influeners,” which Berkowitz said often gets processed through some kind of “black box” method that makes it difficult to understand what the attributes are.
Teresa Caro, vice president-social marketing at Engauge, concurred with Berkowitz and added that she was happy to see Louddoor’s presentation earlier today, which builds the definition of influencers around a relatively standard and accepted metric: The so-called “net promoter score,” which is a function of detractors of a brand minus their promoters.
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