
Initial Data Collection Point Is Vital

Jocelyn Cripps, EVP, global B2C marketing, Financial Times, said that she can't remember when FT wasn't completely dependent on behavioral data. Speaking on the "Big Data And The Modern Brand Marketer" at OMMA DDM this morning, Cripps said that data is "at the heart of everything" the company does.

Cripps said that the most important data colelction point for FT is the initial connection - when a user registeres on the site. She called that imformation important demographic data that is primarily used three ways.

First, FT uses that data to help with product development. She also said that the company uses it to deepen relationships with their customers trhough personalization, such as reommended reads. And lastly, FT uses that initial data to help on the advertising revenue side.

All that data - all those possibilities - before the consumer does anthing except registration.

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