
RTB marketers stand out -- next to direct sale luxury advertisers

Big differences are evident when it comes to the type of advertisers using RTB versus those marketers buying direct from a publisher.

At, for example, some 23% of all its advertising comes from real time buying systems; 43% from digital ad networks; and 33% direct advertising sales.

But there is big difference in the type of marketers. Coming from direct sales there are major luxury brands like Lexus, Rolex, and Dewer’s. Then through RTB, a sampling of NBC Sports advertisers shows strict call-to-action advertisers such as Lower My Bills, Nationwide Insurance, Comcast’s Xfinity, and Google Drive.

“There is a big dichotomy,” says Gabe Gottlieb, co-founder, chief executive officer of YieldMetrics, at the OMMA RTB event.


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