
'Boston Globe' Rolls Out Expanded Op-Ed Section

As part of John Henry's ongoing quest to return the Boston Globe to its regional roots, the broadsheet has unveiled a snazzier, significantly expanded Sunday Op-Ed section that gives two extra pages to New England-based writers and what it terms "thought leaders."

The new and improved Op-Ed section, which on Sunday featured pieces on subjects ranging from transgender jargon to American hubris in international affairs, is the Globe's latest move to grow readership by re-cementing its status as the go-to news source for New Englanders.

Earlier this month, the paper rolled out a new website devoted to the region's core tech and biotech sectors. And in February it announced it would begin selling the paper in certain Florida communities with high concentrations of New England transplants and snowbirds.
"The goal of the expanded section is to complement the thought leaders who already populate our Sunday pages by showcasing new, sharp voices and bold ideas that push boundaries and get readers talking," said Kathleen Kingsbury, the Globe's newly appointed Sunday Op-Ed Editor, in a statement. "And we're especially lucky to be doing this in Boston, with its unparalleled academic community and innovation economies we can tap into for that new talent." 

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