Thankfully, labor conditions have improved significantly since then. To embody the spirit of Labor Day, I encourage you to look back at what has changed in your email marketing and celebrate the accomplishments of your digital team and programs.
For many marketers, the timing couldn’t be better. Annual budget and planning season is upon us, and going through this exercise can be essential for understanding and generating consensus on where your marketing budget should be spent. Not to mention it can be a great morale booster for your team.
Step 1: Look back and assess the conditions of your “labor force.” Do you have the right people, technologies and processes in place to evolve the customer experience for the digital era? How are they performing, and how is that reflected in the performance of your email marketing initiatives?
Step 2: Document team lessons. A simple method of documenting learnings is the start, stop and continue method. What should we start doing, what should we stop doing, and what do we need to continue or build on? Document activities that fall within these three categories in a format that reads nicely for your executives and team members alike. This is a simple and effective way of identifying the most meaningful email marketing opportunities to bring to life.
Step 3: Communicate wisely. It’s one thing to document your email marketing learnings, and it’s another to communicate them effectively to the powers that be. Don’t communicate in a silo. Collaborate cross-functionally with relevant teams to create a story that aligns with your brand and executive vision.
Step 4: Celebrate your accomplishments. It’s party time! Sometimes we get so caught up in the day-to-day that we fail to celebrate all the great work that’s coming out of our teams. In an ever-evolving industry that keeps us on our toes, take a moment to celebrate your teams’ accomplishments and get everyone excited for what lies ahead.
This exercise is just one slice of the email marketing pie, and the next step would be to use the fruits of your reflections to inform
near- and long-term planning efforts. But for now, mirror the sentiment of Labor Day and take time to assess and celebrate your digital marketing accomplishments, generating enthusiasm to push forward
new ideas and innovation. You and your team deserve it!
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