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Forbes Had A Few Surprises At SXSW, Deep In The Heart Of Ad Blocking

  • Forbes, Tuesday, March 15, 2016 9:35 AM
Forbes' Lewis DVorkin, appearing on a panel at SxSW, had some tasty morsels to share. To rewind, the publication reports that two weeks ago, it introduced a survey to 2% of its ad blocking audience. If readers answered a few questions, they got to access Forbescontent even with their blocking software switched on. The findings? Thirty-six percent said they’re simply too annoying. Malware came in second place and privacy third, despite the digerati’s emotions around both.

DVorkin reported: "Nearly 70% of visitors who answered the whitelist question don’t know how to do it. I’m not surprised, since consumers often don’t fully understand what ad blocking software does — or some how they got it in the first place." DVorkin writes that Forbes' ad blocking initiative 'continues to move forward." One goal is to reduce false positives -- or counting a visitor as having a blocker when in fact they don’t.



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