Be A Go-Getter...Sleep More!

Good Mornings
Developer: Apalon

There have been many discussions lately, most notably through HuffPo’s Sleep + Wellness site, about sleep quality and its link to safety and productivity.  Good Mornings'  mission is to give its users the tools to find their personal, optimal sleep patterns and the best way to wake up and greet the day.

The secret to waking up rested and feeling more energetic and alert is to wake up during a period of lightest sleep.  Good Mornings’ smart alarm clock tracks your sleep patterns to find the optimal time to wake you. It creates a 30-minute window before your pre-set wake up time to find you in your lightest sleep phase and activates the alarm at that time. The alarm can be a pleasant tune or your favorite music.

The app detects your sleep phases by using the iPhone’s accelerometer to monitor your movements. Beyond merely waking you up, it sends you a nightly record of your sleep phases with advice on how to improve the quality of your sleep.  The app will also alert you when you suffer from “Sleep Debt”.  

Your personal sleep history and patterns soon become clear, allowing you to be more proactive in improving the way your body naturally recharges itself.

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