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28 Million Connected Devices Tracked; Mostly Cars

  • Re/code, Friday, June 3, 2016 9:05 AM

If the cars of the future are all going to be connected to the internet, there's a pretty good chance they'll be talking to networks built by Cisco Systems. Speaking onstage at the Code Conference on Wednesday with Recode's Kara Swisher, Cisco CEO Chuck Robbins said that its Internet of Things platform run by Jasper, a company it acquired earlier this year, is tracking 28 million active devices, and is adding about one million devices every month. "Most of them are cars," Robbins said. Jasper's automotive customers include GM, Ford, Nissan, Daimler and BMW.

Read the whole story at Re/code »

2 comments about "28 Million Connected Devices Tracked; Mostly Cars".
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  1. R MARK REASBECK from www.USAonly.US , June 3, 2016 at 11:07 a.m.

    We live in a world of no-common-sense techno-morons.
    Has it occured to anyone that connecting everthing to the internet totally eliminates your
    privacy and freedoms?  Europe is on fire with governments contoling the internet.  The UK has just unleashed punishment for Twitter abuse and toying with the aspect that for anyone to use the internet, they must sign on through a governement password.  Where are the thinkers today?   They only exist to find a way to make things "lazy" , not easier.  Yes it's so much better that my car opens the garage door without me going through that inconvenient ritual of having to reach up to the sunvisor or upper console to extend my finger and touch a button...glad those days are over.
    from the attached article:

    The obvious next move now that all the mice are hooked on the cheese is how to dissolve the cheese gradually while keeping them nibbling at the place where it used to be. The Guardian’s articles signal a shift in this direction. Those who gave us the Internet, a system which encouraged wildness and true diversity of opinion in its growth stage, are going – increasingly – to require conformity and uniformity in the consolidation stage as the price of participation.

    And they will use what they always use to get what they want: appeals to compassion which only the kind of heartless brute who doesn’t love kittens could ignore.

  2. Paula Lynn from Who Else Unlimited, June 19, 2016 at 12:42 p.m.

    And they all think they will be able to change course on a dime if they don't like the dessert. Choice will be the one thing they will never have again and only subservience in their future. Drones are not cool.

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