We've heard Donald Trump say things that the average person
wouldn't dare say. And that's exactly what happens in a set of ads for
EMILY's List, a PAC devoted to putting pro-choice Democratic females in office. Targeting Millennials, the ads
launched during the Republican National Convention. The ads begin with a simple premise: Try to get people on the street to read actual Donald Trump statements out loud. Person after person stand in
front of a microphone and refuse to read what's in front of them. Eventually, one person reads a statement: "Putting your wife to work is a very dangerous thing." Remaining folks turn their cards
around to show the camera what they say: "Laziness is a trait in blacks" and "A person who is flat-chested is very hard to be a 10." "The president speaks for all of us Don't let Donald Trump speak
for you,"
closes the ad. Remaining 15-second spots focus on people's refusal to say things about
Mexicans, and make
sexist remarks or
laziness comments.
SS+K created the campaign.