
Weighing Presidential Issues: A 400-Pound Hacker And A Besmirched Beauty Queen

New storylines from Monday’s Presidential debate are entertaining for some and a major problem for others.  

For example, Republican candidate Donald Trump didn’t necessarily think recent hacks pointed to Russia or China but perhaps someone with a food problem: He said: “It could also be somebody on their bed weighing 400 pounds.”

We now have one enduring vision of a possible large person lounging with a laptop and ready to do some digital media mayhem. Does this mean hackers don’t exercise?

Many may complain Trump lost some ground last night during the big debate. For sure. Washington Post writer Chris Cillizza tweeted: “There goes the 400-pound-hacker vote for Trump.”

After the debate, extra poundage was on still on Trump’s mind. So Trump -- ah-hem -- weighed in on Fox News Channel the next day, concerning Alicia Machado, the winner of his big TV beauty contests, Miss Universe, in 1996.

This stemmed from the debate the night before, when Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton noted Trump’s negative references to women: that Machado said he called her “Miss Piggy.”



Trump said on Fox: “She was the worst we ever had.... she gained a massive amount of weight, and it was a real problem.”

Why was this a “real problem”? Because post-contest appearances are a key for ongoing TV promotion of the event, especially when it comes  to winners of a TV beauty contest. Trump admitted he encouraged her to lose weight.

Apparently weight isn’t necessarily a negative issue for men on TV. On the daytime syndicated TV show “Dr. Oz,” some weeks before, Trump informed the good doctor and viewers he needed to lose 20 pounds.

No doubt, these heavier issues will continue in debates two and three.

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