
The New York Press Club Pens Open Letter To President Trump

Many press organizations nationwie have been so distraught by the wrath President Trump has directed at the media, they decided to take a stand.

A number of groups have already sent open letters to Trump. For example, at the outset of the transition period, the National Press Club wrote: “We respectfully ask you to instill a spirit of openness and transparency in your administration in many ways but first and foremost, via the press pool.”

In January, the New York Press Club sent Trump an open letter following his first press conference since July 2016. During that event, CNN’s Jim Acosta tried to ask a question to no avail, even after the president had disparaged his news organization as a disseminator of “fake news.”

The NY Press Club wrote: “An integral part of a free and open press is to field questions from a broad cross-section of journalists, including those with whom you disagree.”

Now, after last Thursday’s shotgun style press conference from the White House, the New York Press Club felt compelled to weigh in again. Particularly responding to the claim the press is the enemy of the American people, Steve Scott, the group's president, wrote:

“Dear President Trump,

The news media are neither your enemy, nor the enemy of the American people. In fact, history has demonstrated that we are just the opposite.

In the nearly 300 years since the trial of John Peter Zenger set the precedent for a free and open press, journalists have stared down jail time, and in some cases, given their lives, while fulfilling their duty to inform the public.

We understand that you will not always agree with what is written or spoken about you. But, the fact that you disagree with a story does not make it fake news. And, it does not make the press the enemy.

'The only security of all is in a free press. The force of public opinion cannot be resisted when permitted freely to be expressed. The agitation it produces must be submitted to. It is necessary, to keep the waters pure.' - Thomas Jefferson, 1823

Mr. President, everyone who has held your position has, at times, had a contentious relationship with the free press. But, we are not the enemy. We are journalists doing our jobs. Every day we come to work, we are doing as you do, working for the American people.


Steve Scott, President"

The New York Press Club”

1 comment about "The New York Press Club Pens Open Letter To President Trump".
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  1. Steve Schiedermayer from Schiedermayer & Associates, Inc., February 21, 2017 at 1:46 p.m.

    And we members of the free and highly self-esteemed press hereby agree to make sure we tell the truth - always avoiding narrative-driven, agenda-laden reporting. We will make sure that we don't salivate over the salacious but actually investigate to seek what the facts are - before we publish. We seek to focus on cleaning our own house of the consistent propagation of garbage stories and ideology-focused "journalism", wishing to repair the American people's current view that we are largely untrustworthy in how we report.

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