
Video Ad Watching On The Rise

According to the newly revealed Q2 2017 Benchmark Report from Extreme Reach, the quarterly numbers reveal a significant increase in consumer response to video advertising and also draws attention to an increasing advertiser focus on mobile.

The report, comparing video ad serving metrics from Q2 2016 to Q2 2017, shows that advertisers are putting out better video content and consumers are responding in kind. Specifically, viewability, completion rates and time spent metrics have all significantly increased from this time last year, says the report.

  • The average amount of time viewers spent watching video ads has increased across the board by 19%
  • Viewability has seen an overall increase of 20% over 2016
  • Completion rates are up by 20%, with a 36% increase for premium publishers since this time last year

In addition to the data highlighting an industry wide improvement in video ad impact, the Benchmarks Report also found evidence that:

  • Changes in Click-through rate (CTR) demonstrate changing screen preferences. Media aggregators, which most commonly run the bulk of their impressions on desktop, experienced a 54% increase in CTR. Premium publishers, which are running more impressions on mobile/tablet and Connected TV, saw a 37% decrease in CTR over the past year
  • Vendors are being held more accountable for bad inventory. General Invalid Traffic (GIVT) is down by 33% since Q2 2016.
  • Mobile is on the rise. Small Video Players, which are defined as less than 400×300 in pixels, saw a jump in usage. These players are most popular for mobile impressions
  • In-banner video ads are on the decline. There was a 17% drop in video in-banner ads over the last year

Dascha Bright, SVP of Account Management at Extreme Reach, says “… our most recent Quarterly Benchmarks… (shows) trends that attest to the ever-changing face of video advertising… as the Ad Cloud and workflow platform of choice for… brand advertisers and agencies across the country… have a birdseye view into video ad placements and consumer response…  shaping the way ads are deployed.”

This is the inaugural public release of Extreme Reach’s Quarterly Benchmark Report based on the company’s 3rd party video ad serving data… conducted with the goal of providing visibility into changes in video advertising usage and metrics, says the report.

For additional information about Extreme Reach and the current report, please visit here.l  



1 comment about "Video Ad Watching On The Rise".
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  1. Ed Papazian from Media Dynamics Inc, August 11, 2017 at 7:55 a.m.

    Jack, how do they know whether a user is "watching" a video ad? We can't even determine this for TV and we've been at it since the 1950s. Also, how much time does an average digital video ad stay on screen? Is it two seconds, five, ten? Questions, questions----so many to answer---so little time.

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