
Just An Online Minute... Internet TV

  • by August 17, 2005
In yet another sign that television is merging with the Web, or at least using the Web as a conduit, TiVo says it will offer subscribers the ability to download TV shows to set-top boxes via the Web even before the shows run.

Yes, TiVo will work with the Independent Film Channel to receive a few of the channel's shows via the Web in a pilot program. TiVo subscribers participating in the test will receive the shows as early as next week.

If the test goes well, it could augur more trials like it. It's no surprise that TiVo, the kingpin of time-shifted television viewing, would try this. It's not a stretch to consider a time when a studio, cable programmer, or production outfit might offer an entire season's worth of viewing all of which could be downloaded and stored on a TiVo-like box in the home. Ah, but would that programming be free?

It was only a question of time before TiVo and others began trying to cut into the programming and content distribution foodchain like this. Networks and cable programmers currently have a monopolistic stranglehold on content distribution, but there is no reason why other players can't get in the game. Distributing content via the Web, set-top boxes, and other platforms is just another link in the foodchain.

Now, in case you missed the Minute on Friday, we remind you that the editors of MediaPost and OMMA magazine invite you to enter nominees for the Online All Stars. We will name three individuals in the creative ranks; three media strategists (those who architect and implement media buys and plans); and three marketing minds. The common denominator? All entrants must work in the online arena.

We expect to draw people from the ranks of agencies, brand marketers, media companies, online publishers, and multimedia companies. All nominees, no matter their age or rank, will be considered. Heck, you can even nominate yourself! The nine winners will be featured in a special supplement that will accompany the October issue of OMMA. That issue will debut at the OMMA East Conference and Expo on Sept. 27.

How to enter? Send a backgrounder, briefing, and bio detailing the All Star nominee's specific and most recent accomplishments, citing campaigns and initiatives, and any other relevant data here. DEADLINE for Entry: August 19.

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