'Buffalo News' Moves Printing To 'Cleveland Plain Dealer'

The Buffalo News will now be printed on the Cleveland Plain Dealer’s printing presses in Brooklyn, Ohio, resulting in the loss of 160 jobs in Buffalo. 

The details of the agreement reportedly are still being hammered out by owner Lee Enterprises. The Plain Dealer is owned by Advance Publishing. 

The Buffalo News has two printing presses that were installed at a cost of $40 million in 2004 by then-owner Berkshire Hathaway, the paper reports. The paper reports that the presses will be decommissioning when printing is moved.  

In another development, Lee Enterprises agreed to sell the newspaper’s five-story headquarters to Amherst-based Uniland Development Co. The paper is now located in another building. 



The Buffalo News has a strong journalistic position in Western New York State. 

“The Buffalo News has been providing its community with the strongest local news content for decades,” said Jason Adrians, vice president of local news for Buffalo Newsparent Lee Enterprises.

Adrians added, “The best local journalism in Western New York will still come from The Buffalo News’ exceptional staff of award-winning journalists, who are based in Buffalo.”


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