More Layoffs At Netflix

Despite its expectation-beating third quarter, Netflix has laid off another small group of executives, this time in its drama and deals divisions.

The handful of executives affected include Alex Sapot, who was director of original series; Pete Corona, who was director of drama series; and Laura Delahaye, who was director, overall deals, according to Deadline.

Netflix had already laid off 150 executives in May, 300 in June and about 30 in September, bringing the total, with the latest included, to about 500. 

The lengthy writers’ strike and still-unresolved actors’ strike have held up production across television and streaming companies, including “Stranger Things” and other key properties at Netflix. The strikes and pressure to improve bottom lines have also resulted in layoffs at many other entertainment companies, including Warner Bros. Discovery, Disney, Amazon, Paramount and Roku.



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