"Welcome to the end of democracy," right-wing conspiracy promoter Jack Posobiec said late last week during a CPAC-related event Thursday, adding: "We didn't overthrow it completely. We didn't get all the way there on January 6th, but we will endeavor to get rid of it and replace it with this, right here [raising his fist in the air brandishing a crucifix], because all glory is not to government -- all glory to God."
The CPAC stunt, part of a sideshow hosted by Steve Bannon's "War Room" podcast, was one of the big sound bites coming out of CPAC, but it also underscored a week of right-wing holy war battles dominating the campaign news cycle, including:
Aside from creating obstacles to Alabamans seeking in vitro fertilization to conceive children, the ruling sent another signal of conservative courts shifting toward a theocratic interpretation of law, following the U.S. Supreme Court's Dobbs decision.
Interestingly, not all media audiences had access to the same degree of coverage about the ruling.
According to an analysis released Friday by media advocacy group Media Matters for America, Fox News barely even covered the decision (see analysis below).
Oh lord, we cannot become Giliad in the Handmaid's Tale. This is democracy's last stand. Everyone of good conscience Must vote.
And vote against Donald Trump and his accomplices.