Don't get me wrong; I love the Web and I love the fact that people can use technology to express themselves for the rest of the world to see, but as I was surfing around a few sites I was made aware of exactly how much free time everyone else seems to have and the extent to which people will go to fill those lonely hours (and, yes, I laughed my butt off discovering this information as well).
My first epiphany came while viewing the social networking site called Dogster. I understand Friendster and MySpace and I understand Facebook, but I'm having some difficulty understanding Dogster. Dogster provides profiles of people's dogs (which I assume their owners must have taken the time to create, since dogs can't type). Since dogs also can't read nor can they operate a computer very effectively, I just find the need for a social networking site dedicated to our canine companions to be somewhat unnecessary! Besides, dogs really don't require a social networking site, since they have the local dog run and they seem to get all the love they need right in those pens. I guess in some cases dog lovers want to see other peoples' dogs, but something about the concept gives me the willies. It's like stalking someone else's pets.
My second moment of realization came from the appropriately titled As the title implies, and the tagline confirms, "stuff + cats = awesome." I'm not much of an animal lover, since being deathly allergic to both cats and dogs I tend to stay far away from them, but this site positions the furry feline species in an entirely new light for me. I mean, who doesn't love to see a cat covered in G.I. Joe figures or wearing a cheese-head? Since cats are typically so respectable and self-sufficient, I find that putting them in peculiar situations can add some humanity to them and make them more approachable. If it wasn't for the fact that their hair and dander could ultimately lead to my demise, I might actually consider having one! This site provides hours of fun as you scroll through page after page of interesting photography, which of course leads me to thinking that it's strange how many people can find new and "exciting" ways to embarrass their cats.
At this point, as if I wasn't already questioning the sanity of some of my fellow netizens, along comes Yes, the site is exactly what it says it is. The site provides page after page of cats... in sinks. I showed the site to a few other people and they confirmed that cats actually do like sinks, which I find strange since cats don't like water. I guess if you're a cat it's OK to like the porcelain because it's cool on your warm coat, but it quickly becomes a kitty catastrophe if someone turns on the faucet. A message to all the people posting photos on this site; please don't torture your pets with the threat of the water. It just reminds me of the killer from "The Silence of the Lambs" and his lotion/hose fetish (and bravo to those of you that actually understood my arcane reference).
I did some research and tried to confirm that all of these sites were created without any threat of injury to the dogs and cats involved, but since the Web crosses so many regional boundaries I had trouble confirming the laws and whose jurisdiction would cover these sites, so I basically gave up and just kept scrolling through them, laughing the entire way.
I figured you probably have to read so many articles and editorials from people like me on a regular basis discussing and debating the philosophies of modern marketing, so why not make this week a little respite from the norm. You deserve a break, so check out these sites and develop your own opinion on the mental states of your fellow net-surfers. My friend Helen thinks these sites are just stupid, but I find a strange fascination in these little peeks into the psyche of the rest of the world.
And I promise that next week I'll give you more educational editorial. For now, happy surfing!