More than 400 newspapers yesterday published campaign ads in their newspapers and Web sites to remind advertisers about the value of newspaper media and the scope of its audience, reports the NAA, the
newspaper industry group. All ran versions of the campaign's "retro modern" ads, designed to tell advertisers that newspapers are innovative and the place consumers turn to most to use ads--five times
more than any other medium. NAA estimates that nearly 25,000 sales calls will be delivered this week using the same presentation. The newspaper industry ad campaign was launched March 20, 2006, when
more than 800 newspapers reached more than 100 million readers by publishing the print and online ads. Since the launch: More than 1,000 newspapers have participated in the campaign through
publication of ads and delivery of sales presentations. NAA developed the campaign with The Martin Agency of Richmond, Va. The campaign is backed by independent consumer research including engagement
studies from Scarborough and Millward Brown.