
Ad Inserts and Circulars Major Influence on Clothing Shopping

Ad Inserts and Circulars Major Influence on Clothing Shopping

According to the new Vertis Communications Customer Focus Fashion study, 51 percent of adults use advertising inserts or circulars to decide where to shop for clothing items.

Jim Litwin, vice president of market insights at Vertis Communications, said "...despite demographic similarities, consumers are unique individuals with different values and personalities influencing their habits. In order to connect with consumers on a personal level, it is important for marketers to understand these groups and their motivations..."

To further define these unique characteristics, he study analyzed the shopping habits of four core attitudinal groups:

  • "Movers and Shapers" are described as open-minded individuals in constant pursuit of new things from clothing to careers. They are a high-energy group that does not like to be controlled or limited.
  • "Daredevils" are known for their competitive nature and constant need for recognition from others. These individuals value status, which is often reflected by their physical appearance and purchase selections.
  • "Wannabes" aspire to be like other groups who have what they want and know how to enjoy life. These adults.. are often attracted to unique and different experiences.
  • "Guardians" are least likely to accept change and often plan ahead to avoid unexpected situations. Close, personal relationships are important to this group, which values tradition and routine.

The Vertis Communications Fashion study also revealed the following:

Circular users

  • 58 percent of Daredevils and 50 percent of Guardians research by circular and then purchase at store
  • 21 percent of Movers and Shapers research by circular online and then purchase at store
  • 13 percent of Daredevils research by circular online and then purchase online, compared to 10 percent of Wannabes and movers and shapers
  • 8 percent of Guardians and 8 percent of Wannabes research by circular and then purchase online

Movers and Shapers

  • 40 percent of Movers and Shapers surveyed shop at discount stores most often for their fashion items, compared to 18 percent of Wannabes
  • Movers and Shapers are busy individuals and 18 percent are attracted to stores where they can get items for the entire family
  • 37 percent of consumers in this group have a combined household income of less than $30,000


  • 21 percent of Wannabes shop at specialty stores for their fashion items, compared to 1 percent who shop using catalogs
  • 38 percent of Wannabes look for stores with clothes that fit them, compared to 11 percent who shop at locations carrying the latest fashion
  • 50 percent of Wannabes have a combined household income of $50,000
  • Of the women 23-54 surveyed, 44 percent are classified as Wannabes


  • For 32 percent of Daredevils, "best value" is the most important factor in selecting where to shop, while 29 percent shop at stores with clothes that fit them
  • Daredevils are least interested in stores carrying the latest trends, with only 6 percent of respondents stating this is important when selecting where to shop
  • 38 percent of Daredevils have a combined household income of $50,000, while 34 percent have an income of less than $30,000
  • 30 percent of women 50 and older are categorized as Daredevils, compared to 8 percent of women 18-34

Guardians Find Fashion Needs at Department Stores

  • 27 percent of Guardians shop at department stores for their fashion needs
  • Guardians are most likely to shop using catalogs
  • For 33 percent of Guardians, best value is a motivating factor when selecting where to shop for fashion
  • 37 percent of women 50 and older and 20 percent of women 65 and older are classified as Guardians

For more about the Vertis Customer Focus Study, please see this complete release.

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