
Get a Bob

It’s unlike any other vehicle on the road today. It has three wheels, a state-of-the-art GPS system, and a backlit, three-sided advertising display sure to turn the heads of passersby. And no, you can’t pick one up at your local car dealership.

An invention of New York-based Bob Car Media, the Bob Car has found its way into trade shows and onto college campuses. Advertisers such as Dunkin’ Donuts, Coca-Cola, Reebok, and Tommy Hilfiger have jumped at the chance to ride the Bob Car. Bob Car drivers are trained to stop and engage potential customers by handing out samples, coupons, and other literature.

The GPS navigation system allows advertisers to know where their traveling messages are 24/7. Custom routes for the Bob Car are often based on the advertiser’s desired demographic or vicinity.

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